The new year could not have started better. During January 2022, our London Credit Fund witnessed a remarkable growth in its annualized target return on all currencies. More specifically, during the first month of the year, our LCF achieved:
- 5.61% p.a. on £, exceeding its annualized target return of 5%
- 4.40% p.a. on €, exceeding its annualized target return of 4% and
- 5.47% p.a. return on $, exceeding its annualized target return of 5%
This follows a consistent above target performance tendency; for the last 7 months the annualized return -for each month- has been exceeding the 4%. Based on the performance of our London Credit Fund, we expect the returns on all currencies to remain above target in the upcoming months of 2022.
Our Investors’ Categories during January were formed as follows:
- 49% High Net Worth Individuals
- 23% Companies
- 18% Provident / Pension Funds
- 10% Banks & Insurance Companies
Our AUMs reached €14,224,2733 million during January, bringing us one step closer towards reaching our 20m benchmark, which we are expected to succeed during the second quarter of 2022.
The fund provides investors with a net after-fees return of 5%+ p.a. on GBP and USD and 4%+ p.a. on EUR. A low-risk investment that takes advantage of a clever mix of real estate and finance through the UK’s bridge financing industry, which is worth more than $7 billion. The Fund’s minimum investment amount is 125,000 Euro with minimum investment term of 12 months. It invests in a diverse portfolio of short-term loans with a first charge real estate security in Greater London. The loans are administered by London Credit, a UK based lender with an 11-year track record and over 136 million STG in loans authorized and collected. The fund’s loan portfolio is primarily made up of loans secured by residential (near to 90% of the portfolio) and commercial real estate.
The combination of steady income and relatively low risk is the key to its success in a financial world looking desperately for income investments. London is one of the most mature, transparent and liquid property markets globally. The historical significance of London as a commercial centre provides all of the required underpinnings for the city’s development and success in a post-Brexit climate. These undeniable advantages maintain London’s place as a major financial, innovation, and cultural hub for the foreseeable future. Property in London is generally safe, since it is not exposed to the same amount of dangers and swings as the rest of the country or other European cities.