The MSCI results are now available, and Consulco’s London commercial real estate portfolio has outperformed the Greater London Retail property market in all time frames over 3, 5 & 10 years, achieving a 7.5% total return per annum since inception. Mr. Marios Hajiroussos, Managing Director of Consulco Group, commented ‘’the last three years have been […]
Data shows that London workplaces are busier than at any point since the epidemic began, as the return to commuting accelerates. Workplace occupancy rates have risen to 40+%, while the pace has slowed outside London. People are coming back to UK offices in greater numbers than at any time since the epidemic began, as corporate […]
As per CBRE, seven large transactions accounted for three-quarters of total volume. According to CBR, central London investment volumes totalled £5.1 billion (€6.1 million/$6.7 million) during the first trimester of 2022, the highest ever for a first quarter. According to the report, those data were distorted by seven significant transactions, all of which were launched […]
During February 2022, our London Credit Fund’s performance reached and exceeded its annualized target returns once more on all currencies. More specifically, during the past month, our LCF achieved: 5.17% p.a. on £, exceeding its annualized target return of 5% 4 % p.a. on €, achieving its annualized target return of 4% and 5.02% p.a. […]
Consulco has successfully hosted the UK Economy and Real Estate Outlook event, along with four leading organization that have provided insights on the conditions the UK is facing today and their impact on key property markets. Consulco co-presented the event along with three top London research organisations, namely: MSCI, a leading provider of critical decision […]