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Consulco investment management story

21st April 2021

Founded in 1993, Consulco has emerged as a specialised alternative investment manager with significant experience in the London property market. World class performance, unshakable ethics, perseverance and attention to detail have placed Consulco in a position to serve investors across the globe. With offices in London, Dubai and Nicosia we provide bespoke investment management solutions […]


Comparative Advantages of London Credit Fund

20th April 2021

Traditionally, Cypriot households have invested their savings in banknotes, government bonds, real estate, and insurance contracts. The search for low-risk investments was the main feature of the Cypriot investment mentality. Until recently, the above traditional forms of investment were considered very low risk with relatively good returns. For example, the real interest rates offered by […]

kommersant event


20th April 2021

Consulco recently hosted its second real estate conference aiming to inform the Russian investor base, presented by Ramaz Chiaureli of Kommersant FM and attended by an impressive number of investors and investment professionals. The panel boasted speakers from three of the UK’s most well-known and respected research organizations to provide their thoughts and analysis on […]


High yield – low risk. Bridging the gap.

26th March 2021

Risk averse investors hungry for yield face slim pickings in today’s fixed income environment. Traditional “safety net” instruments like money market and most G20 treasury yields are below 1%, and banks now act like warehouses for money, charging depositors for storage instead of paying interest. Bonds have shown extreme volatility especially during the pandemic and […]


The UK Economy and London housing update

8th March 2021

According to Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), the UK economy will grow in 2021 but will not recover to pre Covid-19 levels until mid-2022. JLL mentions that the economy will grow strongly in 2022 before GDP growth reverts towards its trend rate of growth between 2023-2025. In addition, JLL also mentions that unemployment will continue to […]